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Needles In The Camel's Eye Demo

This is the very first project that I actually put together and produced. I had barebones knowledge about both guitar and bass at the time, but the song was so much fun to listen to I said "What the hell, let's learn it".


There were a lot of questionable choices made for this cover, but I gained so much from it. Panning instruments, putting them all together in sync, re-recording for hours and hours just to get that one segment right. This was my eye-opener that recording and producing wasn't just a sit-down-and-play experience, but a project that takes hours of work and dedication to refine and iron out. This is when it really motivated me to learn more about producing and mixing. My tone really shaped up after this.


This cover is also of Queens of the Stone Age's cover of Brian Eno's song Needles In The Camel's Eye. Why I didn't just go to the source is another one of the questionable choices, but I like Homme's crunchier sound more. Desert Rock was always a personal favorite of mine, so I started off learning that getting a good, clean distortion isn't very easy to do.

FanFreeks! Podcast

This is the opening theme to the podcast FanFreeks! My first hired project and a project I'm very proud of. I had a lot of fun putting this together; it was a great way to show me what skills I needed to work on and where I was in terms of being a producer. Learning to take the critiques and direction of others was invaluable, and so was working within a set amount of time to iron out and deliver the final product. I can't thank the gang over at FanFreeks enough for the experience!


And hey. be sure to check out FanFreeks yourself! They talk about all kinds of nerd culture from movies to comics and video games! Definitely worth the listen. Podcasts are available on Spotify as well!


FanFreeks Site




A subreddit that goes by u/WeWriteASongEveryDay in which an image is posted once a day and, in that very same day, you're supposed to write a song inspired by it. Great practice for writing around feeling, motif, and atmosphere.


Not all tracks are saved as stereo and, as such, cannot be posted here on Wix, but there are other works I've made thanks to this subreddit


Subreddit Link

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